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I HATE YOU! No, Wait… I Think I Love You. Right?

21 Mar

 This is probably just me, (like always) but I am having these ridiculous mood swings with my manuscript. At least that’s what I think you’d call them. Is their any other name for it? Nope, mood swings is as close as it gets.

I’m not sure if it’s happening because I’m drawing toward the end of my first draft, and I’m going to have trouble detaching (because I will, it happens EVERY time). Or, maybe it’s just because I’m coming up against the fact that it needs SO much work. Gosh my stomach is rolling just thinking about it. (Excuse me a second while I go find a bucket and a few breathe mints.)

Anyway, I’m having a love/hate battle with myself, at the moment.

Yesterday, everything was all hunky-dory (please be kind enough to excuse the dorky language) I was on a roll. My Muse was cooperating; my conflict’s close was just in sight and…. BAM! Next thing I know I’m staring into the bottomless hole of impending editing, being laughed at by the NYT bestsellers list.

I have issues. You don’t have to tell me, I already know.

Anyone else Hate/Love their WIP right now?