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17 Days of Posting to Come!

9 Sep

Hey all… oh… you aren’t here still? Crap! Could it be because I’ve locked up shop for sometime? It does look rather dusty about here, oh my… there goes a spider.

Sorry about my long absence guys. I know I say this every time I ditch you all (and I honestly don’t mean to… it’s more like drifting really) but life got in the way! I began school (junior year haza!) and am taking really ambitious classes… college classes. UGH. Dumb idea if you want to have a life. With school comes all the introductory club meetings (NHS, NAS, FBLA, Grace Kelly Girls, and the like)! So as you can see I’ve been busy.

But no more!

My birthday is coming up this month, September 28th to be exact. And in honor of my amazing ability to age another year I shall be posting and writing 17 days in a row leading up to my s17th birthday! *yeah Ally*

Please hold your breath so that I will feel guilty if I don’t post, because I wouldn’t want anyone to suffocate!

Anyway,  beginning Tuesday I will be back up and running with NI and catching up on everyone else’s blogs who I have missed! ( Gabb’s, Juan, I’m talking to you!) So if anyone else wants to toss in their hat onto blogs that I should frequently obsessively visit do so now.

I’m really excited to be back, I’ve been all antsy with the inability to write/blog lately and even now I can feel my stress level slipping down.

So as I was saying: TUESDAY, YOU, ME, this BLOG? It’s a date right? Good.

*commence breath holding*

“The Mirror Project”

5 May

Hello all! I decided to check in today to update you on something very exciting. My newest project. Since my Track & Field season ended yesterday (yeah!) and school will be ending in under 2 weeks, I have decided to release what I will be working on for the summer of 2012.

Ah! I can not even appropriately express my level of excitement for this project! it’s actually gotten to the point at which I am so bottled up with said excitement that I might actually explode. So… I don’t like giving details away, but I can’t help myself  so I’m going to anyway.

To begin I would ask you to press play on the (current) theme song of my novel (the newest remake of “Windmills of Your Mind” by Eva Mendes)CLICK:


*shivers* The mood of the above song is so spot on. It’s insane. *clears throat*. As is per-usual I do not have a title yet for the novel, but from now on I am going to be calling it “The Mirror Project”. I’m hoping this doesn’t sound anti-climatic, because I’m so high on ‘new novel’ that I won’t be able to tell.

Anyway, I don’t won’t to give too much away ( you all will have to wait for the teasers for that). So, just to give you a taste I will tell you some of the things The Mirror Project contains:

It contains a desert, and in that desert, there is a girl with one brown eye, and one blue.

 There is a boy in this desert too, a sad broken boy, who may or may not want to kill everyone the girl loves.

 And most importantly… there is a mother. A mother with more blood on her hands then she will ever admit. A mother who believes that her cause is worth every scarlet drop.

And that is all I’m saying.

Now I’m off to go work on plotting. My official start date for this is in two weeks. *bites nails*. Nervous, but excited. This can NOT get screwed up, but it will. That’s what drafting is for.

What have you all been up to as of late? Any new projects (writing or otherwise) for you?


Revamping Before NaNoWriMo

26 Oct

Hey all!

I was just dropping in to bring you an update on Novel Ideas and the writerly ordeals that will be going on this week.

I realise I haven’t been very active blog wise in the last few weeks… as you’ve noticed the site has become a lot of me going:

Boo..hoo I haven’t written anything, and Oh crud I haven’t posted this week yet so this is me posting!

This is a pathetic excuse for a writing blog. Now as you may also have noticed the ‘winds of change’ are blowing in. As you can see NI has a nice new fall backdrop, a brand new logo (which you can see on the side bar, to the right of this post>>>) and if you were to go and select the ABOUT ME page you’d find an updated bio, and a new fall picture.I’ve also taken down the disastrously neglected “ME CURRENTLY” and “ANNOUNCEMENTS” pages, as they hadn’t been updated in such a long time that it is embarrassing. Hopefully I’ll get a few new useful pages up soon.

Now that the blogs been put up with nice newness, I figured it was time to look at what I’ll be posting. As you all know November is coming up which means one thing NANOWRIMO! *throws glitter around* I will be participating in that yet again this year, but as a collaboration novel with my critique partner Carrie.

I’m kind of mulling over the idea of doing a ‘post a day’ thing with NaNo, but I’m hesitant as Not only will I be doing NaNo, but I’ll be beta reading a manuscript for a WordPress friend in November that is due on the 27th. I’m going to try not to overload myself with stuff, but it may be inevitable.What do you all think?

As far as current writing goes I’ve been working on CARVE, and am extremely excited about the new project, I’ve had the idea for a little over a year, and have been, off and on plotting/experimental drafting since April. I feel like I’m making good progress! I’ve been utterly ignoring the Lighting Shadows series (The Shadows that fell (formerly BTE) and its companion novel) but that is soon to be opened up again and I’m thinking of showing some of that on here and demonstrating to  you how terribly WRONG it is and how you can avoid such horrid mistakes.

That brings us to posting I’m going to be doing a couple of advice posts here soon, and I’m also hoping to do a flash fiction challenge. Along with that I’ve been deciding whether or not to do some video posts (vlogs I’d guess you’d call them).

In other words November is gong to be my revamping month, and it’s going to be super busy around here!

As always guys, thank you for sticking with me!

Anyone else doing NaNo this year? Any big plans for November?


Kiss It Goodbye

4 Jun

This is the last time I will ever rant about BEFORE THIS ENDS! *panics for a minute* as those of you who are here regularly to witness my extreme degrees of physcos and OCD know my deadline is tomorrow, and it is done. Finished. If I have to rise at 5 AM and write until 12 o’clock midnight I will. 

I am just so done with BTE right now that I almost can’t stand it. And it shows. My writing is going down hill, as I run out of “final stretch” steam and enthusiasm that has been dwindling quickly ever since I picked up BTE from the dusty corner of the hard drive it had been laying in.

So… this is it folks my last rant about BTE:

I don’t think people understand what I mean when I say that BTE sucks. Even Carrie, who is my crit partner just kind of laughs it off. It sucks. Done end of story. Ugh. There is so much that will be changed that it really isn’t funny. In fact, as of last night the main POV character changed from “Violet” to Skye. Violet will still have a part in the book, but writing the climax last night I realized that Violet was the wrong person to tell the story.  Or at least I thought that last night. BTE is totally confusing. One minute I’m sure of a plot change, the next I’m switching it back. MY BRAIN IS FRYING IN MY SKULL! IT WAS NOT MENT TO TAKE THIS KIND OF INDESICION!

Conclude rant

 On a lighter note the Novel Ideas Awards are coming to you as my 100th post! Only 8 more posts to go, and then it is awards night! AHHHH *and the crowd goes wild!*

Be on the look out for more info on that.

Kiss BTE goodbye friends!

Updates & Announcements and What I’m up To Pages?

1 Feb

Okay so I’m totally wasting my time right now to post this little bit about me adding an Updates and Announcements page.

 It serves no real purpose other than to make me feel like I actually achieved some writing today. Oh and it also kind of informs you that at the top of my blog ^ I will be adding an Updates and or Announcements Page. So that you all can keep up with what’s going on with the site easily. And get a snap shot of what’s going on if you don’t feel like reading my ramblings just to find out what my next post or project is. It will also have info on when I will be accepting guest post writers, and contest contestants. Is that a word? Yes… yes it is. If not oh well.

So…. Yeah that is what’s going on. Hopefully you will check it out when it’s up. Yes? You will?

OH MY! THANK Y’ALL *I say that with a southern drawl*

(O.O rhymes too!!! I’m on a roll!)

I’m also thinking I will have a “what I’m up to” page that will replace the WIP page, or, well, add to it at least. I’ll probably be putting what I’m reading, writing, and just generally up to in my life. If any of you find that interesting in the least bit.

I’ll try to keep both these new pages updated consistently. TRY TO being the key words. If I get behind you all can yell at me. I won’t get mad. Just go up to the “find me” page click my email and rant and yell until I get on it.

Which brings me to another quick thing that has nothing to do with writing or is even semi-useful to any writers who read this; If any of you want a specific post done or a crit or anything like that, feel free to email me. I swear you won’t crash my server as I use that email solely for my blog. If you do email please use a specific subject line as I get some highly suspect emails from some word pressers that I think are just spamming. I WILL ONLY ANSWER EMAILS WITH A SUBJECT LINE.

Thank you for you kind consideration of the above.


PS: If I have not answered an email it may be because I thought it was spam. Please re-send with a specific subject line. I really do want to hear from you guys!

Musing on Strawberry Ice-cream

22 Jan

I use to hate strawberry ice-cream. Actually I think I’ve only ever known one kid under the age of ten who said that was their favorite.

I remember one day in second grade we did a ven-diagram of our favorite ice-cream flavor. There were three choices, Vanilla Chocolate, and Strawberry. Of course, like more than half the class I choose chocolate. A few choose plain vanilla, but only one chose strawberry.

Why? I mean obviously my thoughts on the matter changed. Actually I just finished a cup of strawberry ice not ten minutes ago. Now I hate plain chocolate ice-cream, and adore plain vanilla.

But now  I love strawberry most of all.

Why did this happen you ask? Plain and simple our tastes changed. We developed a liking for things previously viewed as terrible.

What does this have to do with writing? Well, today after contemplating many a food related metaphor. I stumbled upon this thought:

Very few people start out knowing what they are doing when it comes to writing. The majority is just doing it because they know they love to read and want to create the same experience themselves.

Then there are the luck few (the strawberry people) who have a natural knack for it. There’s far less they have to develop in the “skill area” of writing. They can simply start writing and know exactly where they are going and how to deliver all the things we find so appealing in a book.

(The X factors that most of us have to study to understand come to them in a snap)

I’m talking Stephan King/Shakespeare league here people.

So why am I sitting her pointing out that we are but armatures in the shadows of these people?

Because, I am very soon embarking on a task that will hopefully help take me closer to “strawberry status”.

Don’t laugh, I am dead serious. What is this task? Novel dissection! YIPIEEE!

Yeah, I know we went from talking about delicious frozen treats, to eighth grade science class. (I’ll spare the gory details because I don’t want to relive that.) But, luckily there are no cold dead amphibians involved! 😀

So, I’ve decided to make February Novel Dissection Month! Beginning on the Fifteenth (hopefully) I will be beginning to mercilessly tear apart a novel like the Tasmanian devil. (That’s my dream you know? To be Taz. Just Kidding???)

The Point:

I’ll be posting my discovers right here with freakish detail and witty comments. I’m hoping this will help me understand the “bones” of a novel and get me ready for my second draft. O.O did I mention I am almost done with my first draft? Okay not almost done, but close to 70% done. It counts I tell you!

Anyway, all that’s left now is to decide which novel I’ll be tearing apart. My books have no idea what they are in for. Poor darlings, not knowing which one will be chosen. HAHA.

I’ll be deciding this week so I defiantly think if you’re reading this that you should come back next week at this time and take a peek.  😀


Update On Snow and Such

12 Jan

Hey people can only check in for a moment since I should be writing right now! Yes, there was more snow, and yes there was no school again. HAHA. It’s all white and gray out there today so I’ll be getting back with writing here.

I just wanted to share with you a little Music video that I discovered. It describes the state of the tri-state area here perfectly. If I have time I will post something useful and informative later, but that’s only if I get stuck on writing. So let’s just hope you here nothing!

Here’s the video:

Hope you enjoyed it. Post again soon.


If anyone would like to do a guest blog post this month I would appreciate hearing from you! Leave a comment with contact info if you would like to.

My Writing Secrets

2 Jan

Today I did a little venturing and shopping in Cincinnati and let me tell you it was a very good experience for me. It allowed me to remember some of my dirty little writing secrets, and also supplied me with a new idea for a story! Not that I will be pursuing that at the time since I am desperately trying to finish my current WIP. But, that’s not the point. Today I figured I’d share with you my top three dirty writing secrets and cheats. You can thank Cincinnati.

1.Go somewhere. I know what you’re thinking. Uh thanks Alex but this is all over the internet and I don’t do this because at the moment I have no cha-ching to be moving! This is where I stop you. I realized today after getting my sparkly new idea that you don’t have to go gallivanting around the globe to change the scenery and “go somewhere”. Try driving twenty minutes to the nearest city or just driving around the back country roads. I mean I know the Sunday drive is so twentieth century but it’s great for mind clearing. Don’t have a car? Take butt out of chair and go walking around the neighborhood. You’ll be surprised how much a little fresh air will spark up the muse.

2.Go to the Dollar store. Don’t look at me like that. You know what I am talking about here. The dollar store! It is a writer’s best friend! How? Simple, think about it. For one there are a plethora of cheap candy snacks for rewards. Second the CD’s. Yes I’m talking about the cheapy instrumental CD’s. You know the ones with names like Celtic Spirit, and Soothing Piano are great for writing sound tracks. I know we all love our lyric filled meaning derived songs for playlist, but when it gets hard to focus sometime you just need some instrumental. The best part is that you get a whole CD for just a dollar! I know that these look cheesy, I admit the covers a usually cringe worthy, but pick one up sometime you will be surprised.

3.Set goals. Okay, if any of you read my post on New Years Resolution you probably know that I am a big “Goals” “Take charge of your own destiny” type person. SO for me setting a writing goal Is super important and helps keep me focused I have two goals write at least 250 words a day ( you will notice my badge on the side bar! You can get your own goal and badge HERE) and finish my Manuscript this year. Long term and short term. Having small term goals allows you to feel like you did something everyday while long term help you get that race horse tunnel vision and focus.

I’d love to here what your writing secrets are and what your goal is for this year. So, leave those in the comments please: D. Keep on Writing


My second semester starts tomorrow so the post might be a little light this week, but I’ll try to get some stuff on here.

New Sites are being added to the blog roll.

A new Find Me link has been added at the top of the page ^ at check it out!

Blog Announcements

23 Dec

Alrighty then, I’m going to have to make this short because I’m on a roll with my novel today and the only reason I am doing this is because I am on lunch break. Munching down on a deliciously preheated Michelins frozen meal. Yum! Hehe 

I just wanted to share with you some of the new installments I’m putting up on the blog. One, the About Me page. Which you will notice right above this post ^ it comes with a lovely photo and short description of yours truly.

Also I am going to start doing Flash Fiction Fridays in which I post a flash fiction piece on the site at the end of each week (i.e. Friday {duh}) I guess I’m trying to keep up the writing spirit. We will see how long it lasts, and I can’t promise you that little bits of my novel might not show up on there if I get lazy and decide I’m not doing a flash fiction. 😀

I’ve also been considering doing some kind of contest for the holidays. Though I don’t know what.

Oh would you look at that! O.O my food is all gone! Now I must get back to writing my novel. See y’all later!