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Creatures of Habit

23 Mar

99% of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. ~ George Washington Carver

They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. It only takes one to break them.

And I, for one, am in the habit of breaking habits. Particularly writing habits. It’s not that I don’t write. I do, but my “habit” is about as constant as rain in the Sahara.

You see I have these writing binges. It’s really kind of freaky. It’s like all my writing gets built up inside me one day, and BAM next thing I know I’ve written 9K and am so bushed that I don’t write at all the rest of the week.

Not a healthy habit I guess. Sometimes I write consecutive days, but if I do that I usually only get between 800-1500 words done. It seems kind of measly compared to the writing binges I go on.

But that is all going to change. As of today I’m going to make myself begin a new habit! 21 days of habitual writing, and hopefully I will break the Sahara writing curse and find greener pastures in writing everyday.

I figure, even if I only write 300 words, it is something right? And something is always better than nothing.

Why am I telling you this? Well I’m hoping that the shame of admitting to the internet, and my readers that I’ve failed will keep me from failing. I mean it can’t be too hard, right?

What about you all, are you habitual writers? Bingers? Or sparadic dibble dabblers?

CoFA Contest!


Wondering Wednesday 1.0

23 Mar

This is a meme created and hosted by Melissa @ Paranormally Romanced

Hey guys here is my first “wondering wednesday” post.

I’m Wondering why I love Lauren Oliver.

Right now i’m reading Delirum and if I knew where Lauren Oliver was right now, i’d probably tackle her, and run around screaming about the ending to Before I Fall, and how fabulous her MC is.

Basically i’d attack like a tweleve year old girl who saw Justin Beiber run down the street. Rabid basically.

I’m not exactly sure why I love her work so much. It’s just incredibly dynamic! Everything about it, prose, character, plot… it drives me crazy how freakin’ compelling her writing is. She’s one of those authors whose book you just can’t put down.

If you haven’t read any of her books. Go get one now. Immediatly.

No,really, get out of your chair and go to a book store. haha

Ayone else wondering why they love an author so much? Leave me a comment or respond via your own Wondering Wednesday post!